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SQLFluff is a dialect-flexible and configurable SQL linter. Designed with ELT applications in mind, SQLFluff also works with Jinja templating and dbt. SQLFluff will auto-fix most linting errors, allowing you to focus your time on what matters.

Roles of a linting tool are to enforce cosmetic rules and prevent code smells.

"Code bases without a consistent style are hard to read and work with because of their unpredictable structure.... Beyond “ugly” code, there is another category of “problematic” code. Code that isn’t invalid per say, but might indicate an issue in the logic." - Daniel Mateus Pires, Towards Data Science

Use SQLFluff to enforce these rules.

Source Reference

SQLFLuff rules used in the .sqlfluff config in UCSC dbt project

SQL Style Guide RuleRule CodeSQLFluff Fix compatibleSQLFluff Default Configuration
Use trailing commasLT04YesYes
Indents should be four spaces
(except for predicates, which should line up with the where keyword)
Lines of SQL should be no longer than 120 charactersmax_line_lengthYesNo
Use all lowercase unless a specific scenario needs you to do otherwise.
This means that keywords, field names, function names, and file names should all be lowercased.
Always use the as keyword when aliasing columns, expressions, and tables.AL01,
Grouping by column numbers is preferred
over grouping by column names/aliases (eg. group by 1, 2)
Note that if you are grouping by more than a few columns,
it may be worth revisiting your model design.
Prefer union all to unionAM02N/A,
(not supported in snowflake)
Avoid using unnecessary table aliases, especially initialisms.
It's harder to understand what the table called "c" is
compared to "customers".
Be explicit with all join types
for example use inner join instead of just join.
When joining multiple tables, always prefix the column names with the table nameRF02NoYes
Use single quotes for strings.CV10YesNo
Don't use using in joins.ST07YesNo
Start each CTE on its own line, Use a single blank line around CTEs to add visual separationLT07,
Don't end a line with an operator like and, or, +, || etcLT03YesYes
If there is only one column expression, put it on the same line as select.
If there are multiple column expressions, put each one on its own line (including the first one), indented one level more than select.
If there is a distinct qualifier, put it on the same line as select.
LT09, LT10YesYes
Don't put extra spaces inside of parenthesesLT01YesYes

How to use sqlfluff config in your project

please use the versions that are in the requirements.txt e.g:

  • Install SQLFluff
    pip install -r requirements.txt

  • there is a configured .sqlfluff in the root of the project, which follows the dbt sql style guide as closely as possible (there are some rules that are not able to be fixed)
    .sqlfluff, .sqlfluffignore

cli examples:

  • lint a specific file
    sqlfluff lint models/staging/setl/stg_dwh__setl_step_log.sql

  • lint all files in a directory
    sqlfluff lint models/staging/setl

  • sqlfluff fix a specific file (caution: this will make changes to your file)
    sqlfluff fix models/staging/setl/stg_dwh__setl_step_log.sql

  • sqlfluff fix files in specific directory (caution: this will make changes to all files)
    sqlfluff fix models/staging/setl