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Data Catalogs

A data catalog in higher education administration refers to a centralized repository or system that organizes and manages metadata and information about the various data assets within an institution. It provides a comprehensive inventory of data sources, datasets, data definitions, data owners, and other relevant information to facilitate data discovery, understanding, and governance.

Data Collection

The CDP (Common Data Platform) utilizes Fivetran to extract and load data from campus information systems, which are the sources of data. The extracted data is loaded into Snowflake, which serves as the foundational layer in the CDP. Fivetran continuously syncs data from the campus information systems into the Data Lake. This continuous syncing ensures that the most recent data from the campus information systems is available for analysis and usage within the CDP.

Data Modeling

Below are several of the more established methodologies for data modeling.

GitHub Setup

GitHub hosts our project repositories (repos). Practitioners will need access to the project repositories in order to contribute to the project. In addition, we utilize many other features of GitHub. An account will be necessary to access those as well.

Training Opportunities

Accomplishing the mission of the CDP will require building strong, high-performing collaborative teams, which will require investing in our community to develop the necessary skills. Therefore, the Program team has partnered with Co:Rise, an online training startup with a unique, practical approach to online learning.